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Quit smoking tips

Quit smoking tips

this are some explanations before we talk about quit smoking tips:
How nicotine controls smokers: knowing this can help you to apply the quit smoking tips exactly
- Nicotine causes pleasant feelings and this makes the smoker want to smoke again.
-Nicotine also acts as a kind of depressant by interfering with the flow of information between nerve cells.
-Smokers tend to smoke more cigarettes as the nervous system adapts to nicotine and this, increases the amount of nicotine in the smoker’s blood.

-Over time, the smoker will need more nicotine to get the same effect that he got it from the smaller amounts and this leads to an increase in smoking until the smoker reaches a certain nicotine level and then keeps
smoking to keep the level of nicotine within a comfortable range.

When a person finishes a cigarette, the nicotine level in the body starts to drop.
The pleasant feelings wear off,this person wants a new cigarette, he may start to feel irritated and when he smokes a cigarette, the unpleasant feelings fade, and the cycle continues.
these are quit smoking tips before you quit:
about 10 days from now.
2. make a decision:
Make a decision and say, "I will quit smoking".
-This fear is natural, it's a life change, not very comfortable.
-Think of fear as a challenge.
-Think positively ,no one ever died from quitting smoking.
-Ask your friends for support or any one who can help you.
4.the motivating list:
-Write a list of all the reasons why you want to quit.
-The reasons should be very important to you.
-take this list with you and Read it everyday because this list will be your motive when the temptation to smoke is becoming difficult to deal with.
-Make a list of the people, places and activities you associate most with smoking and you have to cut your relation with them,
if for example you always have a drink and a smoke together.
-For at least one week write down on a sheet of paper every cigarette you smoke, and your smoking triggers to avoid those triggers after you quit smoking.
 6.BEHAVIOR CHANGES : Practice these for 10 days before you quit.
-get rid of any thing that have a relation with smoking in your home,your car.
-Cut down on the places you smoke.
-when you get the urge to smoke,Wait as much as you can.
-Start smoking later every day.
-try to Smoke fewer cigarettes every day.
-use any nicotine alternative and medicament but you should consult a doctor.

when you quit smoking:These are quit smoking tips that help almost every quitter.
(these quit smoking tips are very important)
1-Deep breathe.
2-Drink a lot of water.
3-Distract yourself.
4-Dial a friend.
5-Do physical exercise and make a sportcast.
7-avoid the greasy and sugary foods and eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
8-Keep busy.
9-Stay away from caffeine.
10- Impatience:
Remind yourself  that your body is healing from cigarettes and that takes time,and beware the impatience and always, read your motivating list.
11-WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS:quit smoking tips that help you to deal with WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS
-headaches,nervous Feelings of frustration and anger and feeling cranky:relax and take a deep breath.
-can't concentrate:Deep breathe,and you should take a break during your work period.
-cough:drink a lot of liquids.
-weight gain:drink water,practise sport,keep an eye on your weight.
-You can use these herbs to lessen withdrawal symptoms 5 best herb that help you to quit smoking
By applying this quit smoking tips exactly, with good psychological preparation,you will achieve your goal,yes you will.
remember, the secret is in those quit smoking tips.

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