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quit smoking benefits

The idea to stop smoking might seem really great, but what are you going to get after you stop smoking?
otherwise what are the quit smoking benefits?
and why should you know these benefits?
simply because these benefits will be your motivation to stop smoking.

and if you have been a car smoker, your car will start to smell better as well.  However, if you dive beyond these shallow reasons,
what can you really expect to gain by quitting?  The issues of money and even your health are far greater than any minor smells that cigarettes can
give off.

 One of the important benefits is the savings of money.  Consider that a one pack a day habit can easily rack up a bill of
$150 a month and $1,825 in a year. This adds up to an enormous amount that is really hard to play down.
you see how much your cigarettes are costing you,Keeping the money in your pocket can do a lot for your budget.  

 While the money is obviously nice to save, there are huge benefits to your health as well.
For example, research tells us that as little as 20 minutes after you stop smoking you will be able to see a difference in your health.
If you consider that quitting smoking can help you reduce your risk of heart problems, stroke, high blood pressure, lung cancer,
and even breathing complications you have just located a plethora of reasons why smoking really is good to avoid.
The research that tells us smoking is bad has proven that just a short period of time after quitting is able to reverse many of the harmful effects
 that cigarettes have caused, no matter how long you have been a smoker.

 and research tell us:
quit smoking benefits after 72 hours:breating will be easy because of Disappearance of spasm cany.
quit smoking benefits after 2-12 weeks:blood circulation will be better and walking will be easy.
quit smoking benefits after 5 years, you are no more at risk of a stroke than someone who has been a non-smoker
for their entire life. This is huge considering that those who smoke are considered at least twice as likely to suffer a stroke.
Additionally, the quit smoking benefits after 15 years is that you can enjoy the same risk of coronary heart disease as a non-smoker as well.
While it might seem strange to enjoy the risk for coronary heart disease, it is much better than actually having coronary heart disease.
Taking these quit smoking benefits is important since you will be able to significantly improve your quality of life.

The ultimate benefit is that your expected life span will be increased.
  Just by stopping smoking, you can increase the amount of time that you are expected to live and you are looking at adding as much as 10 years onto your life.
  Most who discover just how much they can add to their life are absolutely shocked, it's a good benefit that you will certainly appreciate when you are older and enjoying those added years.

 Working to decide which quit smoking benefits are the most motivation for you is not always easy.
You need to look at your lifestyle and determine what truly matters for you.  Not everyone is concerned about the health benefits,
if you find yourself more concerned with the money then focus on what you can save. If you are more determined to improve your
health then focus your efforts on the health benefits that stopping smoking for good can really have for you.  Ultimately,
the reason you choose to quit smoking is up to you, the way you do it will be based around your particular personality and smoking habits.
Knowing what your motivating factors are can go a long way towards boosting willpower though,
which is always a helpful benefit no matter why you try to quit.

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